Monday, January 23, 2012

Healthy Treats

I thought I would share a couple of my go to treats that feel like indulgences!  The first is protein coffee and it truly tastes like a latte, without all of the calories and sugar!  After you brew your cup o' morning joe, take a scoop of your favorite protein powder, (I love vanilla UMP), mix it in a shaker with about 2 oz of cold water.  Shake until all of the powder is mixed well and there are no clumps.  This is your protein "creamer."  Add to your cup of coffee, top with a couple of shakes of cinnamon and drink up!

 Nutritional stats:  Calories:  120, Carbs: 5 grams  Fat: 3 grams  Sugar: 1 gram  Protein: 20 grams

The second treat is PB Froyo.  I basically take low fat/fat free vanilla greek yogurt, add in a scoop of PB2, mix it up and stick it in the freezer until desired consistency.  Talk about feeling like you're cheating!  Almost as good as Orange Leaf!

There are about 17 grams of protein in that succulent yogurt and only about 160 calories.  How's that for "cheating?"

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