Friday, March 14, 2014

A Minor Set Back and Healthy Lunch Ideas

Just when you think you've found the perfect balance, the perfect splits for workouts, to finally be in YOUR groove, and BAM.  You have a setback.  It can stop you in your tracks, discourage you or even give you a reason to make excuses not to workout.  This very thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago, hence the partial reason I haven't written a post lately!  I somehow tweaked my left wrist to the point I almost dropped a 60 lb weighted barbell on my head while doing behind the head presses.  This has greatly limited my ability to do any upper body workouts.  (You don't realize what an important role your wrists play!)

So, I have resorted to lower body workouts, lots of HIIT, plyometrics, and even some steady state cardio.  I could have easily taken the high road and used my injury to neglect my workouts.  But, I've kept on truckin'.  Killing these stems! 

I am hoping I am able to start upper body lifting sometime this week.  I initially took 4 days off, tried to lift with wrist straps and pain returned.  I am now on day 4 again of no upper body, so we will see where I am pain wise next week.

Moral of story.....LISTEN to your body.  If you experience a new "pain" stop whatever it is you are doing and rest.  Permanent injury can result if you keep on keepin' on. 

Oh, and here are a couple of my current lunch time favorites!

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