Thursday, February 27, 2014

Shoulder Workout

It's no secret that upper body will always be my favorite workout.  Shoulders being my very favorite.
In my opinion, well defined shoulders, specifically the delts, is a great measure of strength and fitness.  This area is a particularly difficult area for me to build, as my arms are long.  I envy all of the short women with shorter arms.  Short arms = shorter muscles = easier to bulk.  That's no lie. 

Anyway, here is the workout I did yesterday morning. 

Dumbbell shoulder press drop sets 25 -20 - 15 - 12
4 sets (8 - 10 - 12 - 15 reps)

Shoulder press on smith machine with 2 pulses at bottom  45 lb
Reverse Delt Flyes - 12 lb
Bent over delt raises - drop sets - (15 - 12 - 10)
4 sets

Strict Press on smith machine - 45 lb
Bar shrugs - 75 lb
Seated delt (lat) raises - 15 lb
4 sets

Cable lat raises - 10 lb
Cable Front raises with shrug - 7.5 lb
3 sets

Alt. arm lat raises - 8 - 10 - 12
DB shrugs - 25, 30 lb
3 sets

I have been making it a point to incorporate shoulder and glutes twice a week.  One isolation day, and then I do a shoulder/glute day.  Determined to shape up my slow-to-make-progress areas!

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