Thursday, February 28, 2013

Weekend Excitement!

Early morning gym sesh:  check
Run:  check
Packed:  check

I'm headed to Columbus for the weekend for the Arnold Classic.  Couldn't be more excited to meet some of my favorite fitness pros!  I'm sure I will come back with my motivation in high gear!  Can't wait to share this experience with you guys when I get back!

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Back on the Wagon

It's been a good week of clean eating and good workouts.  Finally seem to be getting back in my groove.  Had a good 6.8 mile run last Saturday, and did a little over 7 today.  Only 9 weeks out from my next 1/2 marathon.  I'm trying my hardest not to over train for this one and see if going into race day with less mileage will make a difference.  I've picked up the cross training and I'm currently only running 3-4 days a week.  Trying to incorporate more stretching.  Going to give yoga a try tomorrow..... 

I'm taking baby steps in cutting my sugar intake WAY down.  Right now I'm trying to only take in sugar from natural sources, such as fruit.  2-3 days a week I am incorporating a low sugar greek yogurt and I have also cut down my peanut butter intake.  I'm having to constantly fight the urge for a big dollop of PB, but I was consuming way too much of that stuff.  It's kind of my vice.  Thank goodness my kids don't have a nut allergy.

I'm also chugging water like it's my job. We're talking a gallon+ a day.  Increased water intake = decreased bloat.  Ain't nobody got time for bloat. 

So, that's where I am as of now.  Trying to put in the work and see results.  Swimsuit season is right around the corner...a little over 4 weeks for me.  But who's counting?  :)

Friday, February 22, 2013

This is how's it's done!

2 hour delay to start my weekend, so took the opportunity to kill my shoulders!  Looking forward to a 7 mile run tomorrow, and hopefully warmer temps!

Here's a look into my morning.  I finished this workout with rear delt raises and shoulder presses with the band.  Burnout style!  AND, just because, I threw in 3 sets of db curls.  : )

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

That Time I Face Planted While Running...

Not really.  It was more of a knee dive, hands to the sidewalk, rip my favorite pair of running pants, but saved my face. True story.  Happened this past weekend while trekking down a main road where I live.  In front of God and three of my running buddies.  (And of course everyone driving by or sitting at the local DD for their morning donuts and coffee.)  Hopefully this is the first and ONLY time my feet will fail me like that.

You're welcome for the laugh.


Disclaimer:  I ended up owning that 6 mile run.  Averaged a 9:00 pace, with the last 3 miles all being under 9:00.  There you have it.  NO EXCUSES peeps!  Get out there and move!