Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Quick Circuit

Here's a quick upper body circuit that I have been adding in with my cardio days.  My cardio is picking up again, as it's training time for the impending spring/summer races.  I'm signed up for the Carmel 1/2 in April, and still debating the mini in May.  So far I have not had the best experience with either time I ran the actual mini, so not sure I want to put myself through it again.  Let's be real, 35,000+ runners packed into tight streets and the 500 track can be intimidating to anyone.  Except my husband.  And the Kenyans.  Anyway, we'll see if I muster up the courage  to tackle it again.  Who knows....3rd time might be the charm I need.

Upper Body Circuit, lower weight, higher reps, NO REST

5 sets of 20 reps 

Dumbbell curls (I used 10 lbs)
Front Raises ( I used 8 lbs)
Military press (I used 10 lbs)
Lateral Raises (I used 8 lbs)
Hammer Curls (I used 10 lbs)
Upright Row ( I used 8 lbs)

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