Thursday, December 6, 2012

Working out through the holidays...

The holidays are upon us, and as they call it, "the most wonderful time of the year" it also happens to be the busiest!  So many places to be and it sometimes seems like not enough hours in the day to get ready for all of those places to be!  To stay on track with my goals, I am crawling out of bed in the wee hours of the morning.  I know I am going to have my fair share of indulgences, and the last thing I want is to feel guilty about it!  So, my alarm is set for 5 a.m. Monday through Friday, 6:30 on Saturdays and Sunday will be the only day I don't set the alarm.  I plan to get in 3 days of cardio and 4-5 of lifting.

Yesterday I worked chest and tris and although I rarely feel my tris after a workout, they were on fire this morning during my run!  Pumping my arms to run reminded me of yesterday's workout!  I love the hurt so good feeling!

How do you stay on track with your fitness goals when life gets too busy?  Do you make time or use the excuse that you don't have time to workout?   I choose to MAKE TIME!  Get to bed a little earlier and set that alarm a little earlier.  Even if it's just 20 - 30 minutes.  YOU will feel better!

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