1.) Squats. Basic enough, right? These work basically every muscle in your legs, and when engaged in proper form, they will strengthen your core as well. They really make for nice quads and a booty. No one wants a pancake butt, right?
Lots of variations: Barbell squat, front squat, plie or sumo, split or bulgarian, dumbbell, pistol, prisoner, goblet, etc.
2.) Push ups. Another really basic move. Good form is key. If that means dropping to your knees until you build strength to do them on your toes, go for it. These are great work for chest muscles, triceps and delts. Once again, proper form = engaging the core = tighter abs. Win, win.
Variations: Regular, modified, Tricep or diamond push ups, bench or chair, one arm, etc.
3.) Deadlifts. Strengthens the hamstrings, booty and back.
Variations: Barbell, dumbbell, kettlebell, Sumo, Romanian, side, Back or "rack" pulls
4.) Bench Press. Works the chest muscles, delts, and triceps.
Variations: Flat bench, incline, decline, alternating arms, machine, etc.
5.) Pull Ups. This basic move targets your entire upper body. Lats, shoulders, arms, abs, etc.
Variations: standard, supinated grip, pronated grip, neutral grip, weighted, behind the neck, mixed grip, one arm, climber's pull, chin up, kipping, muscle up, etc. You can also do assisted pull ups using the assisted machine or bands.
There you have it. My favorite 5. These are the exercises I repeat week, after week, after week. I never get bored with all of the variations! Mix it up and remember, form is key. It's okay to start out at a lower weight. Once you perfect the proper form, you can gradually add in more weight.