1.) Spread the word! Don't keep your resolutions a secret. Tell everyone you know! The more people who know your goals, the more people you have on your team! It's so easy to give up when no one knows your goals.
2.) Keep a journal. So cliche, but it helps to write your goals down. If it's a weight loss goal, track your food. Track your workouts. Track your weight and measurements. Take progress pictures. Trust me, pictures DON'T lie!
3.) Set small goals and rewards for meeting those goals. Often times the goals we set seem so far away. If we set smaller goals, and accomplish them, we are more motivated to keep going! Work towards the "big picture."
4.) Use the buddy system. Sometimes it's easier to accomplish our goals when we have a buddy striving towards the same goal.
5.) Never give up! So what if you mess up. Pick yourself up, and KEEP ON GOING.
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