Friday, January 24, 2014

Temptations and Willpower

How do you deal with temptation?  Have you tested your willpower to see just how strong it is? They say it's like a muscle -- the more you use it the stronger it gets. Unfortunately willpower is not my strong suit.  (I suppose I've never used that muscle enough!)  I've always been good about putting in the work at the gym, and for the most part my diet is clean.  BUT, there are always those few things that I struggle with giving up.

Today at work we were "treated" with pizza. I've had a great week of eating and workouts. I knew today would be the true test. Could I resist one of my very favorite foods?  Of course I could. But would I have the willpower?  It's pretty simple folks. To get results you've never gotten, you have to do something you've never done. Today it was about giving up pizza. 

Sometimes you just have to give up the goods, and by goods I mean those foods that tempt you most, to reach your goal. Besides, today is National Peanut Butter day.  And that's another favorite. 

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