Tuesday, January 14, 2014

That Time I Ran a Sub - 2 Half

Years ago I used to be the non-athletic girl. The girl who never gave fitness a second thought. The girl who dreaded PE. The girl who would get sick when we had to run the mile for time. Because I. Was. Slow.

Something clicked when I started having babies. I was responsible for raising these little beings. It was me that they would look up to. I can't remember the very moment that I decided I wanted to be healthy. And fit. I wanted to be what I always had feared. But I do remember my babies were my inspiration. 

Rewind 8-9 years. I started my fitness journey at a local women's gym. I quickly lost interest due to not being challenged. So, I did some research and decided I would join a real gym, with real weights and real equipment. I quickly learned I didn't know where to start or how to use half of the equipment.  So, I hired a trainer.  She quickly changed my life.

Through peer pressure, I also started to run.  The one thing I had always feared the most.  I was always self conscious about the way I looked when I ran. Pretty sure my form was much like Phoebe's from Friends.  But I didn't let that stop me.  My husband was a runner, my friends ran, so why shouldn't I?  If they could do it, I could too.

A few 5k's turned into a 10k, which led to a 15k and then a half marathon. I ran a half marathon.  The girl who used to get nauseous at the thought of running a MILE.  That half led to another, and then another.  Faster each time, but never the time I had in mind.  My super secret desire to run 13.1 miles in less than 2 hours.  Could I do it?  Mind you, when I started out running, I was a 10:30 - 11 minute mile.  Could I really shave that much time off?

Fast forward to April of 2013.  Just weeks after the Boston Marathon tragedy.  And I was signed up for my 4th half marathon.  I listened to my body more when training for this race.  I only ran 3-4 times a week.  But I cross trained.  And I sprinted my butt off.  I still didn't feel "ready" when race day came.  I was still sure that my dream of running a sub 2 half was just that.  A dream.

I'm not sure what happened that day.  I remember being very emotional at the start line.  I always get choked up before I run a race.  I have no idea why, other than emotions are very HIGH for me.  Accomplishing something I always feared.  Crossing the line.  It's such an exhilarating feeling.  Back to the start line.  I remember the moment of silence for Boston.  The National Anthem.  And then the gun to start the race.  I started out with a good friend I had trained with.  She was sub 2 half runner and I aspired to be like her.  So we started out together.  Her pace was quickly uncomfortable for me around the 3 mile mark, so I insisted she go ahead.  I didn't want to exert too much energy at the start of the race, and then crash at mile 10, which was always the case for me.  She took off ahead and I kept a comfortable pace.  I could see the 2 hour pace group and I caught up with them around mile 8 - 9.  I let that group lead me.  I wasn't sure we would finish in under 2, but the course was rolling and I was tired.

I kept going.  And going.  And going.  I never stopped.  Never walked.  Just. Kept. Running.  I remember glancing down at my garmin around mile 12.  I was on target to finish in under 2.  Something kicked in and took over.  Almost like the song "Jesus Take the Wheel."  I just remember zoning out.  I was tired.  So tired.  But my legs kept moving.  I crossed the line at 1:59:07.  I did it.  I ran a sub 2 half.

Long story short, YOU can do anything you set out to do.  When you overcome those negative thoughts, your body is capable of doing whatever you want it to.  You just have to believe.  :)

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