There are so many diets that seem to sweep the nation each year. Much like the plague! There's a new pill, supplement, drink, cleanse, or diet every day. While most are looking for that easy ticket to lose weight, some of us realize that there is more to it. Eliminating certain food groups or taking a pill or drinking a shake is not going to get you the fit lifestyle. Sure, it may be a temporary fix, but the minute you stop eliminating that food group, taking that pill or drinking that shake, the pounds are going to rush back, and chances are, they will bring their friends!
I will be the first to admit that I was the typical band-wagon-er for years. Whatever the newest diet trend was, I was trying it. You know where it got me? NOWHERE. I'm sure a lot of people look at me and say I have never struggled with weight. Although my weight was always in the "normal" range, my body fat percentage was not. When I started my journey almost 6 years ago, I was close to 30% body fat, (32% is considered obese). For someone who is 5'6" and in their "normal" weight range, that's quite high. I have a family history of high cholesterol, hypertension, and cancer. This is when I decided to jump off the band-wagon for good. No more depending on the newest diet trend to "make me skinny." I was ready to be healthy.
So what is the key to being healthy? LIFESTYLE CHANGES! Clean up your diet and MOVE. You don't have time to exercise, you say? Yes, you do. Turn off the TV, the iPhone, and Instagram and MOVE! Go to bed a little earlier and set your alarm accordingly! There are so many workouts you can do in the comfort of your home with minimal to no equipment! Start out with body weight exercises and light cardio and let that be your building block to purchasing some free weights or joining the gym. Buddy up if you need that extra accountability or motivation. And take pictures. Pictures don't lie and the best motivation is seeing the changes you can make!
When I reference clean eating, I am referring to non processed foods. The majority of my food intake consists of veggies, fruits, and lean meats. However, I am not an advocate in eliminating any food group unless you have an allergy. Complex carbs and dairy also make their way into my eats, just at the right times. Carbs are a great source of energy, and also happen to be your body's primary source of fuel. I generally feed carbs into my meals during the first portion of the day. This allows me to use them as they are meant to be used, so less likely to be stored as fat. Shop the perimeter of your grocery store. This is where you will find the majority of your clean foods. And by all means, have a cheat meal once a week if you can pick it up and put it down. Don't let a meal turn into an entire day or week!
Here is a great reference for foods to build your diet around that I borrowed from Tosca Reno, who has an amazing wealth of knowledge in clean eating: ABS DIET POWER
When you fall down, get back up. It's going to happen. It's human nature. No one is perfect. If you fall down 8 times, get up 9 and keep on trucking!
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