Friday, January 25, 2013

Whomp, Whomp...

As you may have noticed, my blog posts have been sporadic lately.  To be quite honest, I have had a terrible time getting back on track since the holidays.  I would have a good day or two and then fall off.  Pick myself up, have a good day, fall off and repeat.  On and on and on.  I haven't felt the best....NO energy which = NO willpower.  I fully credit this to eating JUNK.  Shutting off the alarm has been routine lately, which means there hasn't been much gym action going on.  It's been extremely cold, which made it easy to cancel all of my recent scheduled runs.  I've moped around, as the scale has gone up....WAY up, and it's definitely not due to muscle gains.  So, where am I going with this post?

My point is, we all have bad days.  We push ourselves hard, get tired and it's frustrating.  Frustrated that we are tired, sometimes sleep deprived, and we make excuses.  Excuses for falling off the wagon.  Excuses not to workout.  Excuses to eat junk, because comfort food can be very "comforting" when we feel defeated.  But then the guilt sets in.  Or at least for me.  Why feel guilty?  Because it's not who I want to be.  I want to lead by example.  To practice what I preach.  I have 3 of the smartest kiddos in the world, (yes, I am biased), and I want them to live happy and healthy lives.  They pattern our behavior.  They mock what we say.  They are so vulnerable to what they SEE. 

Last night I walked into my oldest daughter's room, and there was the proof that even at a mere 13 years of age, she gets it.


Her goals for the track season written on her white board in her room.  This girl is the real deal.  She's a beast when it comes to running.  She has so much drive and determination.  I like to think she gets that drive  from me.  (Definitely doesn't get the speed factor from me.....I will give that credit to the hubs.)  And right there at that moment, SHE motivated ME.
So, this morning I set my alarm for 4:45.  I got up without hitting snooze.  I was at the gym by a few minutes after 5.  I was there until 6:45.  I pushed myself so hard.  And to be honest it felt good. I remembered why I do what I do.  And those 3 little faces engraved in my mind brought tears to eyes and a smile to my face.

Here's to getting back on track and staying there.  I plan to dig my heels in deep and stay on that wagon.  I will not fall to the excuses and temptations.  I will eat clean during the week, with my one scheduled cheat on the weekends.  I will rise and shine early for my workouts and I will feel good again.
Happy weekend!  Get your workouts in and remember why YOU do what you do!

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