Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Green Smoothies

You can pick up any given fitness magazine and probably find a recipe for a green smoothie. I hadn't given much thought to them until just this week when I was starting to feel a little burnt out on my usual breakfast staples of oats, egg whites and protein coffee.

So, insert big smile after mixing up my first green smoothie this morning. It was the perfect balance of carbs from the fruit, healthy fat from the coconut and I paired it with a couple of egg whites for my protein.

You can really play around with it and use whatever you have on hand. Here is what I used this morning:

1/4 c fresh pineapple
1/2 banana
Unsweetened coconut flakes
Crushed ice
About 1/2 c water

Throw it all in the blender and blend until smooth. I added 1 packet of truvia as well. If you add a really ripe banana you probably won't need it. My banana was on the green side. :)


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